SNL: One Drink May Shrink Your Brain

March 2022

How Alcohol Affects the Brain?

CBS News, March 2022

Journal of Marketing Webinar: Genetic Data: Potential Uses and Misuses in Marketing

January 2022

Psychological Targeting: What Your Digital Footprints Reveal about You (Sandra Matz, TEDxChicago)

July 2019

Testosterone & Brand Awareness: Men Shop Differently when their Juices are Flowing (Interview with Hilke Plassmann)

July 2018

Is Testosterone to Blame for Bad Decisions?

Knowledge @Wharton, June 2017

How Stress Influences Decision-Making

Knowledge @Wharton, November 2016

The Strategizing Brain (Colin Camerer, TEDxCaltech)

January 2013

"Hayanshufim" with Yair Nitzani

Israel Channel 8 (The Discovery Channel), March 2011 (Hebrew)